Friday, December 2, 2011

Project Update

It's so close. The end of my first semester in college. One-eigth of the way through my undergraduate career. Everyone says it goes by fast, but you really have to experience it for yourself. They're right. Fast. But before I start packing my bags, there are quite a few items left to accomplish to wrap up this semester. One of these is the English Multimedia Project. Since our team of four lives in four different states, we accomplished nothing over Thanksgiving. I don't regret that. We all needed the break. But this past week has been...eventful.
To record a proper description of all we've done this week, I will break up the narrative according to days of the week. Read on.
Monday: At around 9:15, the four of us met in the dining hall to discuss our plans and to assign jobs to each team member. Alex wrote up five questions for students and five questions for faculty, to be asked in video interviews. I rented a Bloggie videocamera from the library.
Tuesday: I interviewed four freshmen students in General Engineering. Since I live in the RISE (Resident in Science and Engineering) program, finding fellow engineering students was easy.
Wednesday: Our team met with Charlsie at 9:30 to update her on the progress of the project and to iron out any misunderstandings and confusions.
Thursday: Originally, we had planned to have Alex and Andy interview the General Engineering faculty Wednesday afternoon, but since Alex had a math exam to take Wednesday evening the interviews were postponed to Thursday. Alex brought up the point that we need two or three students to rebut the faculty's responses, and Andy said that we will also require input from upperclassmen engineering students who have taken CES. What did they think of the course? Looking back, was it beneficial? Why or why not? Was CES helpful in choosing an engineering specialty? If they could do it over again would they take CES? Why or why not? Alex conducted the rebuttal interviews Thursday night.
Friday: In class, Alex passed off the camera to Adrain to conduct the upperclassmen interviews.

As of now, this is as far as we've gotten. Alex has started work on the response essay, with plans for Adrian, Andy and I to contribute our portions over the weekend. As soon as Adrian finishes up the upperclassmen interviews (this afternoon), we will polish the video footage on Alex's computer and get it ready for presentation Wednesday, December 7. Let's hope all goes as planned.

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