Thursday, October 20, 2011

Research Paper Outline

Joshua Baghdady
English 103-005
Mrs. Charlsie Lamos
October 21, 2011
Research Paper – Outline
I. Introduction
1. Hook: A brief description of the differing practices and beliefs adhered to in Christianity and Judaism. This is to show how very different the two religions are in an attempt to draw the reader in. The questions are then presented: Why are they so different? Why are followers of these two belief systems adversaries of each other? How can they claim to base their knowledge off of many of the same Scriptures yet have such differing views on how to be right with God? Where does Jesus Christ fit in?
2. Thesis: In the years following the life of Jesus Christ, the vast majority of adherents to Jesus’ teachings were Jewish people well-versed in and followers of the Tanakh (the Old Testament), especially the first five books, called the Torah. The answer to what happened and how the followers of Jesus became estranged from the Torah lies in the uncovering of some of the church history of the first few centuries AD. The impact of the various councils held by the church fathers, one of the most influential of which was the Roman emperor Flavius Constantinus (better known as Constantine the Great), was pivotal in determining the estrangement of the two belief systems.
3. Implications: What has this meant for adherents to both faiths? What impact did this have on Jewish believers in Jesus as the Messiah? Why is this important today?
II. The Setting
1.     A look into Jewish beliefs at the time of Jesus Christ’s birth.
2.     Jesus’ impact on the rabbinicalism of the day.
3.     The response of this impact by both the religious authorities and lay people.
III. The Early Years
1.     The promulgation of Jesus’ teachings in the first years following His transfiguration.
2.     The response of the Roman government.
IV. Christianity is born
1.     The separation of the rabbinical authorities from the Jesus-followers.
2.     The birth of the early church councils.
3.     A brief biography of Flavius Constantinus.
4.     The impact of Constantinus on the early church and the practices adopted as a result.
5.     The response of the Jewish authorities.
V. The Big Picture – Conclusion
            1. The effect of these early decisions made by both sides on adherents to both
            2. The modern impact of these age-old decisions.
3. The importance of uncovering the history of their faith for followers of both Judaism and Christianity and to understand why they believe what they believe about the other side.


  1. Josh,

    Your outline is very well thought out and impressive! You certainly have a way with words!
    1. Your thesis is very thorough but at times I felt myself getting lost in the language, maybe make it a little more precise and to the point so the reader is able to completely comprehend your argument.
    2. Make sure you address all the implications mentioned in your introduction. I'm sure you already had a plan for this but it isn't spelled out in the outline, and I wanted to make sure you explain each of them.

    I can't wait to read your paper! I can already tell it is going to be really good because it seems like it is something that you are passionate about. Good luck!

    P.S. juxtaposition...

  2. Josh, pretty good outline. You have a lot of questions in the hook though; there may be too many to answer in an introduction and you may have to whittle them down to the main point.
